Ali Eley, Primary Science Teaching Trust

Workshop: Working with Explorify to enhance visitor engagement - both real and virtual!
This session will introduce Explorify - a digital resource for primary science education that encourages children to think and talk like scientists. Explorify has started working with science and discovery centres to co-create exciting new Explorify activities. These can be used by SDCs to enhance visitor engagement with a key exhibit or gallery, and will support visiting teachers with meaningful preparation and follow up for their visit to the centre. SDC staff will also receive professional development in effective facilitation of Explorify activities with school groups. Co-created activities will be badged with the SDC's logo and published on the Explorify website, encouraging wider engagement with the SDC. In the session, colleagues from Glasgow Science Centre will share their experience of working with Explorify to co-create activities, and the Explorify team will explain how other SDCs can become involved with the initiative. Originally developed by the Wellcome Trust, Explorify ( is now under the management of STEM Learning in partnership with the Primary Science Teaching Trust. It has over 40,000 active teacher users across the UK. Ali will be co-presenting this session with Fiona Davies from Glasgow Science Centre.
Ali Eley is the Outreach Director at the Primary Science Teaching Trust and currently leads the development of the educational content of Explorify. Ali’s career in science education has included science subject leadership in primary schools in Somerset and South West London, working in Initial Teacher Education as a senior lecturer in primary science at St. Mary’s University, and leading research and development for the Richmond Primary Teaching School Alliance. Ali has written for teacher journals, and has created multiple resources to support primary science education.