Driving change together: New STFC grants for community-inclusive projects
- Published: 7 Nov 2024
In October 2024 ASDC launched the new evidence-informed Valuing Inclusion Theory of Change, funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). This new framework ‘valuing inclusion’ is a tool for advocacy, producing a shared language of impact and a framework for practitioners to measure, prove and improve inclusive science engagement.
The ambition of the Theory of Change is to break down barriers to engagement and open up pathways to opportunity, backed up by quantitative and qualitative research, evidence gathering programmes and interviews with science and discovery centre staff, their community partners, funders, evaluators and wider networks.
How? Through change mechanisms that support:
- Agency and ownership
- Belonging
- Relevance
- Skills Development
- Social connections
- Possible selves (broadening horizons)
- Connection to opportunities
Grant programme
ASDC is inviting proposals for projects that can devote time, staff expertise and partnerships to implement the now developed Valuing Inclusion Theory of Change into your practice. This programme is a continuation of the work of Explore Your Universe: Valuing Inclusion (2024) with the objective to further refine and define the meaningful inclusive outcomes and their role as mechanisms of change, that nurture STFC STEM capital and STEM identity.
The Theory of Change can be used as a design tool – a starting point for the co-design of projects during proposal stage - with inclusive activities that are captivating, accessible and meaningful being put in place to promote the inclusive participant outcomes. The participant outcomes in turn can be used as a reflective tool for projects or organisations, as well as a theory of progression for participants – moving from initial moments that ignite STEM curiosity, towards independent action that enables STEM choices, through engagement with Informal STEM Learning.
Delivery grants for science and discovery centres and museums will be split into two main options to apply for:
- Ten grants of £9,500 for co-designing a model of multiple “4 or more” engagements (with the same individuals)
- Ten grants of £4,000 for organisations who would like to delve into the value of ‘one-off’ engagements that follow the guidance of the Theory of Change during design and delivery.
Applicants are encouraged to work through current community partnerships and can engage with participants who have worked with them previously – particularly on STFC and STFC-remit programmes of activity, as this supports a model of multiple and sustained engagements and longer-term community partnerships that ASDC promotes. It is also possible to apply for both grants applicants don't have to choose between repeat and one off engagements as along as they can demonstrate how they aim to delivery on both.
This programme is funded by STFC and will launch in November 2024 with expected delivery to take place from March 2025 until November 2025.
Find out more
For more information please read the Invitation to Participate below:
EYU Valuing Inclusion Invitation to Participate 2024-2026
We will be holding a Bidders' Q&A on 5th December 2-3pm for potential applicants to attend and ask any questions about proposal ideas, grant criteria, and the application process. Please register here to attend by 4th December.
If you are attending the ASDC National Conference on 18th-19th November, there will be a session lead by Shaaron Leverment and the team behind the Theory of Change that delves into it a little deeper and gives delegate the opportunity to discuss how its relevant to their work. Please check details here