Government Chief Scientific Adviser Professor Dame Angela McLean visits Science Oxford Centre
- Published: 24 Mar 2025
The Oxford Trust

Steve Burgess, Professor Dame Angela McLean, Francesca MacLennan and Rachael Tapping outside the Science Oxford Centre
On Friday 21st March Professor Dame Angela McLean, the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, and Rachael Tapping, ASDC's Head of Communications visited The Oxford Trust’s Science Oxford Centre.
The visit was part of the Government’s Office for Science and ASDC collaboration with Science Oxford and the National Space Centre to work on a pilot programme designed to explore how best to support teachers and schools in engaging pupils with emerging technologies.
The programme aims to spark excitement about science and technology among primary school children and inspire them to help solve some of the biggest global challenges of our time.
As part of the initiative, a series of resources have been created, including a poster about humanoid robots for Years 5 and 6 (ages 9 to 11) pupils to showcase the wonders of science and its modern applications and a pack for teachers, designed to guide classroom discussions and encourage stimulating pupil conversations.
Francesca MacLennan, director of Science Education and Engagement for The Oxford Trust, led the pilot programme in schools in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire through Science Oxford. Charlie Isham, head of education for the National Space Centre oversaw the pilot in schools across Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. This initial phase will inform future plans for a longer-term programme which aims to drive meaningful classroom engagement in emerging technologies.

During her visit, Dame Angela McLean toured the Wood Centre for Innovation, home to nine deeptech and life science companies which work on life-enhancing discoveries, before she visited the adjoining Science Oxford Centre – the UK’s first indoor-outdoor hands-on science education centre. The tour included observing a STEM-based Light Show; a visit to the Exploration Zone with Year 5 from St Francis’s Primary School; and a pond dipping session with Year 5 pupils from Cokethorpe School.
The morning concluded with Dame Angela McLean and Rachael Tapping joining a focus group of pupils and teachers who have been using the Government Office for Science’s resources on new technologies in their school. The group discussed the most effective ways to involve primary school children with new technologies in classrooms throughout the UK.
Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Dame Angela McLean said:
“I was delighted to visit The Oxford Trust’s Science Oxford Centre and the Wood Centre for Innovation. It was great to see first hand the wonderful work taking place here to inspire young people to pursue careers in science and technology. I particularly enjoyed meeting the pupils and teachers engaged in our school outreach project and hearing their thoughts on the futuristic humanoid poster developed by the Government Office for Science.”
Francesca MacLennan, Director of Science Education and Engagement, The Oxford Trust said:
“Inspiring young people about emerging technologies and helping them see the real-world relevance of what they are learning is key to developing the next generation of STEM talent. The Science Oxford Education and Engagement team has extensive experience in inspiring young people and families about science and STEM careers. We are regional experts in primary science and CPD and are co-creators of the highly regarded Thinking, Doing, Talking Science pedagogy.Education, engagement and innovation are at the heart of The Oxford Trust’s work, and we are thrilled to welcome Professor Dame Angela McLean and the Government Office for Science team to the Science Oxford Centre.”
Rachael Tapping, Head of Communications, Association for Science Discovery Centres, said:
“Discovery centres like Science Oxford are invaluable regional hubs, brimming with practical resources, expert STEM educators, partnerships and opportunities designed to nurture a growing confidence and connection to STEM for everyone. Today has been an incredible experience, with the highlight being listening to the ideas, enthusiasm and creativity of Year 5 and 6 students as they explored the possibilities and potential of emerging tech for their future. It has been a true privilege to contribute to this science and technology day.”