National Citizen Vision Workshop
Saturday 16th of January 2016, At-Bristol Science Centre
ASDC recruited 40 citizens from all backgrounds to come to a one-day discussion forum in At-Bristol Science Centre in January 2016 as part of CIMULACT.
Participants were asked to share and discuss their hopes for the future, drawing on life experiences from themselves, friends, families and local communities. During the day, participants produced their own personal visions for the future, and then used these to generate a shared visions in small groups. These final visions, along with those from equivalent workshops in 29 other European countries, were collected together and analysed to find common themes to be used in later stages of the project.
Comments from participants:
“Fascinating to hear views of people from very different spheres of experience. Illuminating.”
“I liked the diversity of the group and the chance to mix opinions and learn from others”
“I enjoyed the whole process and found it inspiring.”
“Welcoming and safe space and encouragement to think outside the limitations of our current experiences. Positive and refreshing. Thank you!”