National Impact
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Explore Your Universe Phase 1 and 2 partners

The ten science and discovery centres selected to take part in Phase 1 were
- We The Curious (previously At-Bristol) in Bristol
- Catalyst in Cheshire
- Dundee Science Centre
- Glasgow Science Centre
- Winchester Science Centre (previously INTECH)
- Observatory Science Centre in East Sussex
- Dynamic Earth (previously Our Dynamic Earth) in Edinburgh
- Royal Museums Greenwich in South London
- Aberdeen Science Centre (previously Satrosphere)
- Science Oxford
For Phase 2, the above centres were joined by ten more centres, these were
- Cambridge Science Centre
- National Museums Scotland
- Techniquest
- Thinktank
- W5
- University of Manchester - School of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Newcastle partnered with Tyne and Wear Museums
- University of Northumbria
- University of Warwick
- University of York
Explore Your Universe Phase 3 partners

The 14 science and discovery centres selected to take part in Phase 3 were
- Aberdeen Science Centre
- Catalyst Science Discovery Centre
- Cambridge Science Centre
- Dundee Science Centre
- Dynamic Earth
- Glasgow Science Centre
- Jodrell Bank discovery Centre
- National Space Centre
- Observatory Science Centre
- Science Oxford
- Techniquest Glyndwr
- Techniquest, Cardiff
- W5, Belfast
- Winchester Science Centre
Explore Your Universe Phase 4 partners

The 8 Science and Discovery Centres selected to take part in phase 4 were:
- Aberdeen Science Centre
- Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh
- W5, Belfast
- Techniquest, Cardiff
- Techniquest Glyndwr, Wrexham
- Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre
- Science Oxford
- Cambridge Science Centre