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The Project Equipment
The project equipment was procured during phase 1 of Explore Your Universe and provided the original ten selected science centres with all the equipment they needed to run the activities and workshops within the Explore Your Universe programme. The equipment and accompanying grants have been issued to all centres who have taken part in the Explore your universe training and delivery, including the 10 universities that took part in Phase 2.
The equipment includes:
- A thermal imaging camera
- A solar telescope
- A Van de Graaff Generator
- A particle accelerator in a salad bowl
- An iPad pre-loaded with exceptional apps for space and the physical sciences
- A levitating magnet experiment (including superconductor, magnet and liquid nitrogen Dewar for those who do not currently have the facilities to store liquid Nitrogen)
- A specialised optic box
- A specialised materials and magnets box
- And more...