EYU Phase 2 Evaluation
Explore Your Universe (EYU) is a national programme celebrating the physical sciences developed by the UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC) in partnership with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
EYU began in 2012 and in the first year of Phase 1, 156,880 children and adults took part in events at 10 science and discovery centres and two STFC facilities. Phase 2, which began in 2014, saw 184,834 visitors taking part in events at 10 more centres. Phase 3 started in April 2016 and finished in March 2018. In total, 39,273 people participated in Explore Your Universe activities, events and workshops in 14 science and discovery centres.
Evaluation of Phase 2
Evaluation of Phase 2 was also led by Professor Justin Dillon. Specific evaluation objectives for Phase 2 included the requirement to look for evidence of any differential impact related to age (with focus on younger children age 7-10), gender or levels of deprivation.
Download the Explore Your Universe Evaluation Report - Phase 2