Newton apple trees - one year on
“Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why”
- Bernard Baruch
Out of 28 Centres, 12 have successfully grown apple trees and some are attempting a second germination this Spring. Growing an apple tree from seed is not always easy, especially when some seeds are "blanks". We are delighted that 12 Centres have managed to grow new trees, with some Centres now in the possession of two!
Our trees will take some years before they flower and produce fruit. But when they do, the apples which are genetically different to the parent apple, will be a new variety and you never know, we may produce a new delicious apple not grown anywhere else.
On November 10th 2017, we celebrated the first birthday of our Newton trees for International Science Centre and Science Museum Day by sharing pictures of our trees on social media:
Image Credit: ASDC
Image credit: Winchester Science Centre
Image credit: Eden Project
Image credit: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Image credit: Techniquest Glyndŵr
Image credit: Thinktank
What's next for our trees?
With Spring around the corner, our Centres need to give their trees a new home whether they plant them outside or in a new, larger pot. Find out how the Centre's will replant their trees in our Newton Tree Care Guide with expert guidance from the Royal Horticultural Society.