PROJECT INSPIRE: Digital Innovation and Leadership Programme
The UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC) launched Project Inspire in Spring 2021, in collaboration with the Inspiring Science Fund, a partnership between UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and Wellcome.
The Vision of Project Inspire: To inspire and support UK Science Centres to engage and involve under-served communities and audiences with STEM in new and creative digital ways, and to develop new practice in emerging leadership that embraces the values of inclusivity, equity and innovation.
Project Inspire is a one-year national Digital Engagement and Leadership Programme for UK Science Centres, led by ASDC. The project has two strands:
- The Digital Engagement and Innovation Programme for Science and Discovery Centres to develop new and creative digital ways to engage and involve under-served communities and audiences with STEM. This includes grants of £15,000 alongside ideation support and training.
- The ASDC Leadership Programme to nurture and support emerging Science Centre talent to become the inclusive and dynamic leaders of the future.
Read the Project Inspire Digital Engagement and Innovation external evaluator final report here
Read the Emerging Leaders Programme evaluation report here.