The ASDC response to the BIS consultation on capital investment
The Association for Science and Discovery Centres had been working with Government and Ministers over several years to set up a capital fund for UK science centres who were unable to bid for capital investment from other public sources.
The science and discovery centres and museums who are members of the ASDC network responded individually on behalf of their organisations, and ASDC responded as the voice of the sector.
Following discussions with the Science Minister, ASDC had been invited to put a submission into the capital consultation. The ASDC CEO had called the proposal 'The Inspiring Science Capital Investment Fund' and the full submission can be found in this section of the website.
£22 Million had been proposed by ASDC for the Science Centre Capital Investment fund. This consultation on the full UK science capital spend was in 2014, and ASDC were delighted the fund was then created and awarded £20 million.
At the time, ASDC noted the following and urged members to submit into the consultation with their views:
"ASDC fully and whole-heartedly supports the proposal in Annex A7.1 of this consultation for £22 million to be invested in an 'Inspiring Science' Capital Investment Fund so that Science and Discovery Centres can apply to for capital funds"