Resources: Parliamentary Select Committee Reports
Closing the STEM skills gap inquiry, 2017
A Science and Technology Committee inquiry. The Science and Technology Committee invited written evidence on measures that organisations, businesses, schools, colleges and individuals have taken to close the STEM skills gap. These could include, but are not limited to, apprenticeships, vocational courses, mentoring, teacher placements in industry and establishing links between business and schools/colleges.
Science communication inquiry, 2016-17
A Science and Technology Committee inquiry. The Science Communication and Engagement Report found that people have a strong desire to know how science affects their daily lives. However 71% of people believe the media sensationalises science, and 67% say they have no option but to trust those governing scientific information. Just 28% believe that journalists check their facts when reporting scientific matters.
Transforming Education Outside the Classroom, 2010
A Children, Schools & Families Committee report. This report establishes the extensive benefits of education outside the classroom. It argues that tThe funding of learning outside the classroom initiatives remains inadequate; teachers’ health and safety concerns, which have been a significant barrier to school trips, have yet to be assuaged; and teacher training continues to pay scant attention to preparing teachers to lead learning outside the classroom. In the context of the ‘rarely cover’ provisions, it appears that some schools are not able or willing to plan learning outside the classroom provision far enough in advance to ensure that it is not adversely affected.