Resources: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Reports and Research
Prioritising community over content: value shifts in science centres
Science centres are increasingly adopting co-development as a tool to engage diverse audiences with science. The case study featured in this practice insight draws on an evaluation of a programme that aimed to move U.K. science centres towards more inclusive practice.
UNESCO Call to action: closing the gender gap in science
This initiative aims to ensure that girls are never discouraged from pursuing their aspirations to become scientists and to convey to them that such goals are indeed attainable. The Call to Action also suggests actions to dismantle the barriers that hinder women from realizing their full potential in science, in order to break the glass ceiling that prevents them from attaining scientific excellence and leadership positions in scientific systems across the world.
ASPIRES Research - Longitudinal research project studying young people's science and career aspirations
ASPIRES is a longitudinal research project studying young people's science and career aspirations with three reports tracking the development of young people's science and career aspirations from age 10 to 23.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Diversity and inclusion in STEM report 2022-23
Improving diversity and inclusion in STEM should be part of the mission of the new Department for Science, Innovation and Technology; and the education and research sectors must follow their lead. This not only reflects the principle of fairness but will ensure the country has access to the best talent available.
Our Space Our Future, moving 'interest' in space towards 'identity' and ‘aspiration
Reports echo many of the findings of Space Awareness and suggest the methodology required to shift an interest in space into self-belief and confidence to realistically consider a space career as an exciting and relevant aspiration for students facing significant barriers to STEM participation and aspiration.
Dr. Emily Dawson's Reflection Exercise to highlight issues around white, class, gender privilege in Science Centres and Museums
Emily Dawson's Reflection ExerciseDr. Emily Dawson has shared her reflection exercise which she adapted from Peggy McIntosh's White Privilege: Upacking the Invisible Knapsack (1988) to fit with the Science Centres…
Royal Astronomical Society careers booklet promoting diversity in STEM
The Royal Astronomical Society have just released a new careers booklet that promotes diversity in STEM for students making decisions about future careers. Here you can download the resource.
Institute of Physics report: Closing Doors - Exploring gender and subject choice in schools
Download the Institute of Physics report that explores the patterns of bias in pupil subject choices at school.
CaSE: Improving Diversity in STEM
In a report by the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE), the ways in which the political agenda addresses diversity put forward so that a political 'will' can become meaningful action.
Policy Review - Diversity
Report by the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE)SummaryThere is a growing recognition of the benefits of diversity and inclusion, in addition to the moral case,particularly in its importance in…
Improving Gender Balance: Reflections on the impact of interventions in schools
An Institute of Physics Report | March 2017Executive SummaryFor more than 30 years only a fifth of those taking A-level physics have been girls. Over that period every effort to…
Paul Hamlyn Foundations: Whose cake is it anyway?
A collaborative investigation into engagement and participation in 12 museums and galleries in the UK
Opening Doors: A guide to good practice in countering gender stereotyping in schools
The Institute of Physics has been investigating and working on the problem of gender imbalance in subject choice for many years. The Opening Doors project has gathered evidence and identified aspects of good practice in this area. This guide is the main output of the Opening Doors project.