Noses are Red
Noses Are Red is a show about allergies. The show explains the basics behind the immune system and shows what happens when the immune system attacks an allergen mistaking it for something harmful.
This show has been written and developed by W5, Belfast, with a grant from The Wellcome Trust Engaging Science Programme.
These resources are intended for competent, experienced demonstrators. The Risk Assessment provided here is an example only. Demonstrators should carry out their own safety checks and risk assessments before performing any demonstration.
The originator of these resources retains copyright. Permission is granted to use the resources to present shows for educational purposes. The show or resources may be modified. The resources themselves, or shows substantially based on them, may not be sold. It is permissible to charge for performance of the show. Please acknowledge the originator and grant funder.
For further information, contact:
David Thomas, Science Demonstrator, W5 whowhatwherewhenwhy
At Odyssey, 2 Queens Quay, Belfast BT3 9QQ
Tel: (028) 9046 7715